
Mathias Haimerl, (main contact) is a PhD candidate at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI). His research looks into inclusion aspects of eHMIs. Contact: mathias.haimerl@thisisnotpartofthedomain-thi.thisnoteither-de

Mark Colley is a PhD candidate at the University of Ulm. His research looks into communication possibilities between AVs and VRUs such as pedestrians and cyclists. Contact: mark.colley@thisisnotpartofthedomain-uni-ulm.thisnoteither-de

Andreas Löcken is a postdoctoral researcher in the HCI group at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI). His research focuses on Human-Computer Interfaces in sociotechnical safety-critical systems in general, and specifically the interaction between VRUs and AVs. Contact: andreas.loecken@thisisnotpartofthedomain-thi.thisnoteither-de

Andreas Riener is professor for Human Machine Interface and Virtual Reality at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) with co-appointment at the CARISSMA research center. His research interests include driving ergonomics, driver state assessment from physiological measures and trust, acceptance, and ethics in automated driving. Contact: andreas.riener@thisisnotpartofthedomain-thi.thisnoteither-de